Winter is tough on farms. Freezing temperatures, heavy snow, and unpredictable weather put constant pressure on your farm’s infrastructure, making regular maintenance and troubleshooting more critical than any other season.
Today we’ve come with tips to help you manage the challenges and keep your farm resilient through the cold months, saving you time, money, and stress.
Frozen Fences and Gates
Frost and winter cold can cause fences and gates to shift and become misaligned or stuck, which can not only be bothersome but also dangerous for your animals as sharp hazards and escape gaps may appear. Simple fixes like applying lubricant to gate hinges and clearing snow regularly can go a long way to keeping these in place and doing their job.
Snow and Ice Accumulation
Accumulated snow and ice can cause dangerous slips and falls, inflicting injury to you, your team, or others visiting your farm. Make sure you’re also clearing pathways and using de-icing products to keep yourself and others safe and on your feet. Animal-safe products like calcium magnesium acetate, potassium chloride, or alternatives like sand and grit should do the job while keeping your livestock safe.
It can be especially tricky to climb in and out of your tractor when conditions are slippery. Use products like Lakeland’s Push and Drive-Over Gates to save yourself the hassle of getting out to open manual gates, and you’ll reduce your slip risk in the process.
On roofs, clear snow and ice from roofs regularly to avoid hazards from sudden crumbling.
Easy Feeding Systems
The cold can make bringing out feed for your animals a big task, especially if you’re working alone. It can even be dangerous, depending on how cold it is and how slippery the conditions are, as you lug your feed trip after trip. Using high-capacity easy weeding wagons wide enough for all your animals to feed at once helps things go easier and faster—not to mention minimize your exposure to the elements if things are ugly outside. Lakeland’s Portable Bunk Feeder Wagon is a great example.
Stepping Up Inspections
It’s crucial to inspect all your equipment even more frequently during the winter. Damage and wear can appear suddenly—and progress quicker than you think. Check fences, gates, water systems, and shelters for signs of trouble, especially after any snowfall, new ice freezing, or sudden shift in temperature. The earlier you can catch and address issues, the more time and money you’ll save.
Plan Ahead
Now is the perfect time to evaluate how your infrastructure, winter preparations and plans are holding up. What challenges or weaknesses have you identified? What worked best this year? You might want to consider upgrades like weather-resistant fencing, stronger roof supports, or better water system insulation to make things easier when next winter comes around.
These are often some of the toughest months of the year. With diligence, patience, and careful thought, you can not only get through them, but also emerge working more smoothly and efficiently than before.
Need advice on farm infrastructure, or help finding the right product for you? Call us at 1-866-443-7444 to talk to one of our experts.